Muffins You Can't Have

Thursday, August 19, 2010


What would happen if As I Lay Dying and The Devil Wears Prada had a baby? You would have a big, adorable, metal pile of AWESOME.

This metaphorical offspring is metalcore quintet Miss May I out of Troy, Ohio. These boys signed to Rise Records in 2009 and released their debut album Apologies Are For The Weak. Defeating the curse known as the "sophomore slump", Miss May I is back with their brand new record Monument.

Featuring the founding lineup, Monument is definitely a step up from Apologies. Their debut was a great album, but it was still a debut. They were working out the kinks of being part of a record label and adjusting to being signed. They proved that they definitely have what it takes to go far in this industry with their second effort.

Monuments starts off with a bang - literally and figuratively. It opens with a ferocious drum fill and dual guitar riff on the song "Our Kings". This track shows you exactly what to expect from Miss May I, and the deliver unequivocally on their promise. With gut-wrenching growls and screams, Mr. Levi Benton grabs your attention as the guitar work of B.J. Stead and Justin Aufdenkampe (which is possible the greatest last name ever) holds it there. Track 2 - "Masses of a Dying Breed" - opens with an uplifting guitar bit and some spoken word before the onslaught continues. The next few songs bring more of the same, but it never gets old for a second. Finally, we reach my favorite song on the album: "Gears". This song embodies exactly what I expect from Miss May I, and is the standard I will hold them to forever more. It opens with a masterful guitar riff and some drums in the background. Then, it kicks you in the teeth with a wicked change in tempo as the hardcore elements of their sound appear. Guitars, drums, bass, screams, all work in perfect unison, while Ryan Neff's singing brings a melodiously welcome reprieve from the magnificent brutality.

Monuments continues its warpath until it reaches the ninth track, "In Recognition" - a slower, melodic song that is very out of character for Miss May I. However, they perform it spectacularly. The production level on this album is top notch: all instruments and vocals are clearly heard, and no one aspect overpowers any other. The standout songs on this album are "Gears", "We Have Fallen", and the title track "Monument". It's another great release from Miss May I, and Rise Records, and I can't wait to see what this band has in store next.

ALSO! Miss May I will be playing at the First Unitarian Church in Philadelphia with The Devil Wears Prada and Your Demise! Doors open at 8:00 PM, and tickets are $15. You should come on out and show your support!


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