Muffins You Can't Have

Friday, October 7, 2011

Muffins You Should Watch: Supernatural

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Pawn is BACK. After a summer with little time or access to the interwebs, I have, in fact, returned to educate you on the finer things in the entertainment world! I know you're all used to hearing me rant and rave about music, but I'd like to take this opportunity to broaden your television horizons with one of my favorite shows: Supernatural.

Supernatural, which currently airs on The CW Fridays at 9:00 PM, EST, follows two brothers who hunt the strange and unexplained. They've taken on vampires, werewolves, wendigos, ghosts, demons, and dozens of other ghoulies. Sam and Dean Winchester (yes, they are named after a gun, which makes this show all that much better), cruise around America in their 1967 Impala - yes, this is a badass car - hunting all things supernatural. See how clever they were in naming the series?
Look at that car. LOOK AT IT!

Sam and Dean (played by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, respectively), with the help of their long time friend and fellow hunter Bobby Singer (played by Jim Beaver), spend their days impersonating various officers of the law, lawyers, and even priests from time to time in their search for the monsters from our nightmares. They lose sleep, face death, and listen to classic rock all to protect us, the unsuspecting citizens of the world from all of these baddies.

From a production standpoint, Supernatural has all the bells and whistles. The directing is top notch, especially for a TV series, but the writing is what really sells this show for me. It utilizes a dark sense of humor; with its consistently macabre subject matter, they find a way to see the light and even the irony of almost any situation. In addition to the stellar writing, Jared and Jensen act like genuine brothers - the constant bickering, giving each other a hard time, but all the while knowing that they always have each other's backs. Their performance lends a level of believability that is generally missing from television shows today, especially ones with such an outlandish premise like Supernatural.
Bobby, Dean, and Sam. Would you want to mess with them?
No, because they KILL MONSTERS FOR FUN.

The other element of this series that really makes it stand out is the amount of research that was put into it. Whether the Winchesters are facing demons, vampires, werewolves, ghouls, or any number of creatures from myth and legend, the lore is always SPOT ON. The producers, directors, and writers made sure to pull from the actual myths for subject matter. In every episode, they go extremely in depth with the background for every monster they face. That's right, kids, this show is entertaining AND educational!

With Supernatural entering their seventh season this fall, you definitely want to go back and start this show from the very beginning to get all of the background on the Winchester brothers. If you love witty writing, driving stories, and the myths and legends of nightmare, be sure to check out The CW's Supernatural.

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