Muffins You Can't Have

Monday, March 14, 2011

Seeing Muffins

As you may recall in my previous review, I was rather critical of I See Stars for their abandonment of a formula that works incredibly well. In order to show you what I mean, I wanted to show you, our devoted readers, what I consider to be well done electronic post-hardcore. Thus, I give you Everyone Dies In Utah’s debut full length Seeing Clearly.

Hailing from Texas, EDIU is a six-piece with one EP under their belts. I’ll be honest, their EP never really caught my attention. I don’t know if it was the synth-heavy nature, or if it simply wasn’t terribly memorable. However, Seeing Clearly is on another plane; it’s got hooks galore, but doesn’t sacrifice the heavier aspects of their style.

After the little intro track “The Storm Before The Calm”, we hit the ground running with “Bed, Bath and Beyonce”. Brutal guitar work offsets the synth/techno warbles in the background. Guttural screams mix perfectly with melodic vocals that have some good low end to them (a nice contrast in a genre that seems to enjoy guys with higher voices than most girls). “Dude…I Know… It’s Everywhere” is a kick to the chest, and you’ll find yourself screaming along to the words “Count your blessings, not your burdens!” every time. Then, just for good measure, the boys of EDIU throw in a little swing beat and southern metal influence. Track four, “Bar Fightz & Disco Lightz”, shows how to properly intro with synth programming. “So Long And Thanks For All The Fish” gets us back to the heavy as the guitars and drums continue in their top-notch performance. As “Dance War” opens with its programming, this Michigan sextet shows just how well they know how to mesh metal vocals and instruments with electronic accents.

“Do What Diddy Did” fades in with some nice clean vocals that build up as guitars, drums, and screams are slowly added. Fans of the electronica aspect of this musical style will enjoy “Synthesize Me Captain”, as the programming and keyboards underlie the majority of this song. Track nine, “Adrian Makes It Rain”, showcases EDIU’s ability to really build momentum with a song. Starting slow and atmospheric, they gradually gain speed and power until they’ve reached the breakdown threshold and unleash some truly heavy material. “Bark Twice If You’re In Milwaukee” features some guitar work in the intro that could easily be taken to be some pop-mosh before it switches back to their finely tuned style. The closer, “Simply Me”, slows things down and fades us out with an atmospheric track with great clean vocals and haunting keyboards.

Everyone Dies In Utah have managed to craft an album that is both catchy and heavy at the same time, but doesn’t feel like it’s full of fluff. The lyrics have depth. The musicianship, while not the most technical, shows that they know how to use their instruments. And to top it all off, they combine the electronica elements of synth, techno, and programming with the brutality of heavy guitars, hard-hitting drums, and absolutely crushing vocals. Everyone Dies In Utah’s Seeing Clearly is most definitely worth your time.

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