Muffins You Can't Have

Thursday, March 31, 2011

As Muffin Runs Black

As Blood Runs Black have been around for quite a while now, but seem to have very little to show for it. This is unfortunate, as they are awesome. Although, the number of member changes this band went through over the five years between their last release, Allegiance, and their second album, Instinct, may do that to a band. Regardless, the Los Angeles quintet is back and just as good as ever.

As soon as the intro track “Triumph” starts, you know you’re listening to an As Blood Runs Black album. The guitar work of new additions Greg Kirkpatrick and Dan Sugarman fits right in with the ABRB of old. Nick Stewart’s bass is as solid as ever, and Hector De Santiago, better known as "Leche”, hasn’t lost his touch on the drums. Finally, though, we get to finally hear a full representation of what the new vocalist Sonik Garcia is capable of, and that is pure, unadulterated brutality. This man has an incredible scream, and a wide range. He fits right in with the style of As Blood Runs Black. “Legacy” starts and you can feel the old ABRB being channeled directly into this album, as they’ve succeeded in maintaining their sound without sacrificing originality. “Resist” is up next and follows suit with blistering lead guitar work that transitions into a chest-crushing breakdown. Sonik, Greg, Dan, Nick, and Leche sound like they’ve been playing together all their lives. Everything flows together perfectly. It definitely doesn’t hurt that the production on this album is spectacular as well.

“Angel City Gamble” opens with a death metal styled blast beat before they switch back to their particular combination of deathcore and metalcore. We also get a little taste of gang vocals that complement the music nicely. At this point, you’re probably hoping for a little break. The pace hasn’t slowed for even a second. Well, suck it up, because they keep it going with “Reborn”. However, your request for a reprieve is granted on the next track, “Tribulations”. Beautiful piano work and strings create an amazing atmosphere. That’s all you get though, break time is over. The LA quintet puts the pedal back to the metal with “Divided”. “King of Thieves” continues to solidify the fact that, even with the new members, this is still the As Blood Runs Black we loved. Quick riffs and pummeling breakdowns make sure we can never forget. “In Honor” has one of my favorite lead parts on the album for the intro. After a deceptively simplistic intro, “Echoes of an Era” lets loose with an impressively technical riff for the verse. This brings us to the album closer and title track “Instinct”. It’s very rare that my favorite track will be the final song on an album, but this is absolutely As Blood Runs Black’s greatest work. The guitars are amazing, the drums are spot on, the bass ties it all together musically, and Sonik’s vocals are at their best. This song is what I love about ABRB, and it was the perfect way to close the album.

After waiting for five years to hear something new from these guys, we finally get it, and it doesn’t disappoint. Instinct proves that As Blood Runs Black are back, and they are here to stay. Don’t miss out on this album.

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