Muffins You Can't Have

Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Train Your Muffin

So, I haven't updated in what, about 3 months? If this upsets you, not only do I not care, but wish only grievances and pain upon you and any small fuzzy animals in your vicinity. Now, on to talking something other than you.

How To Train Your Dragon has my bid for the greatest animated movie of the year. This is not something I say lightly, as this year has been a veritable 50-megaton nuclear strike of fantasticness in digitally rendered tastiness. Dreamworks is continually surprising me. A pattern has emerged showing whenever they don't do sequels, they're movies are more fantastic than butter on toast (as also evidenced in MegaMind, another movie I may get around to this week...maybe). How can it be that this movie, based loosely on a children's book, wins out over the rest though?

Firstly, the soundtrack is intensely awesome. Now, I have a bit of a personal bias towards celtic-esque, big orchestral productions, but so should you. There are only two or three major themes present, but they're so epic you find yourself wanting more of them instead of more variety. Not that there isn't enough variety though. John Powell has done an incredible job of not only coming up with scores I find myself whistling as I walk to and from classes, but an almost deity-level job of creating them for the movie itself. There are a few scenes when the music is allowed to dominate the beautiful animations that I want to frame in an art museum and loop over and over again whilst punching anyone who says "That isn't art." in the liver.

How To Train Your Dragon could stand up on the music and art alone, but it doesn't! It's like a well-trained Olympic sprinter who decided he would strap a Saturn V rocket to his ass just because he can. That lunar-capable ass-rocket is the story and comedy. The story isn't anything horribly special, the formula's a classic. It's so well executed though, that you don't care that you "could've called what happens next." The main contributer to this is the comedy. It's original and worth a good laugh or two, but will leave you smiling no matter what.

I only have one concern so far regarding this movie, and it's the fact that a sequels on the way; hopefully DreamWorks won't screw it up, but my hopes aren't too high.

Regardless, if you haven't gotten around to How To Train Your Dragon Yet then don't do anything else until you do...not even using the'll just be angry at you and nobody wants an angry crapper.


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