Muffins You Can't Have

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Anthems for Muffins

Brutal is back in town, boys and girls, and it has a name: Messengers, a five-piece thrash/hardcore band out of Dallas, TX. Hearkening back to the cross-over days of the 90's, these guys bring you some good old fashioned thrash metal.

They've been compared to such bands as Jesus Wept and No Innocent Victim, and though I can see the similarities, Messengers takes the foundations set by those bands and goes a step farther. They really do mesh hardcore and thrash metal perfectly, with nothing sounding too repetitive. Oh, and let's not forget that Messengers is the first good Spirit-filled hardcore release I've had the privilege of listening to in a long time.

Anthems is their debut EP on Facedown affiliate Strike First Records, and I'd like to extend a huge thank you to whoever signs the contracts over there. This is one of the best releases of 2010, and it'll find itself getting a lot of play time on my playlist.

Anthems opens up with "Shipwreck", a track that starts out slow with some feedback and noise that builds in volume until the guitar kicks in with a simple, speedy riff. Then a growl that truly brings back the feel of the Spirit-filled hardcore of the 90's fills your ears, courtesy of Chad Paramore - this man has a set of pipes. Now, I'm not a huge fan of pure hardcore, or the brand of hardcore popularized by bands such as Throwdown and Terror, so I was hesitant as I was listening to this first track. Then they've got this breakout solo that comes like a breath of fresh air, and that was all it took - I was sold on Anthems. "Creation" follows it up with some more thrashy guitars and crunchy growls. The third track, "Domicile" switches things up with a slow building instrumental intro. It gives a nice reprieve from the onslaught that was the first two songs. It builds to a crescendo, before the vocals come in to finish the track up.

Track four gets us back on the thrash/hardcore train to Brutalville, non-stop for the rest of the EP. "Weight" really embodies the Spirit-filled hardcore style of bands such as No Innocent Victim, and I think it's a great throwback. And it transitions seamlessly into my favorite song on the album "Judge". With Chad screaming "Who are you to judge? Who died and made you judge?", you'll have to fight hard to not throw your fist in the air and scream along. "Palerose" is up next with some more thrash style guitars and drums, which they round out with a wicked little solo. Messengers closes up their debut effort with the title track "Anthems" - a hardcore infused, hard-hitting finisher.

Overall, Anthems is a release that I was a bit skeptical of, to be honest. I'd heard nothing but high praise for it, and that always makes me nervous. However, Messengers not only lived up to this praise, but exceeded it. Anthems is one of the most solid EPs I've heard in a while, and I'm excited to see what this band will do with a full-length.

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