Muffins You Can't Have

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh Muffins

Ok, I know it's been a while, but we all have lives outside of the interwebs. Hard to believe, I know, but we do.

However, I have returned to bring you news of a magnificent band that is on its way up. Oh Constantine is a four piece metalcore outfit from Harleysville, PA. These boys have a lot of talent, and even more passion for what they do. As evidenced by a recent show I was fortunate enough to attend, Oh Constantine is a devoutly Christian band who truly want to use their music to spread love and hope.

Into The Beginning is the second EP from these Pennsylvanian boys, and it shows a spectacular amount of growth. It kicks off with an intro track that slowly builds force with guitars (Kevin Saurman and Mike Cabbibo) and drums (Brandon Wesley) giving way to some absolutely brutal vocals by Geordie Ditter. The next song, entitled "Release The Lions" launches in with a technical little guitar riff before Ditter's vocals come crashing back in. "Alliance" follows suit with absolutely amazing melodic guitar work to complement the sheer force of the vocals and drums. "Raised By Another" showcases the guitar and drum work with technical and polished introduction that lead perfectly into the rest of the song. The technicality doesn't stop there, though, as Saurman and Cabbibo unleash a two part guitar attack that will leave you floored. The EP closes with "The Shape Of Things To Come", which starts of with an ambient, yet heavy instrumental piece. As the song progresses, there is a masterful juxtaposition of clean and distorted guitar parts working as a background for Ditter's absolutely brutal vocal style.

Overall, I was incredibly impressed with Into The Beginning. Oh Constantine is just getting started, and they already have put out a work with more talent and heart than the majority of other bands out there. Here's hoping they stick with it and keep the incredible music and message coming!


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