Muffins You Can't Have

Monday, March 12, 2012

Guest Muffins: Tyler!

I had Tyler put together a list of solid Devil May Cry-esque games, which are his favorite. Here's what he wrote:

Rising Zan (PS1) - Old as shit, but still worth trying if you can find a ISO for it.
Onimusha 1+2 (PS2) - The frame work for DMC1, and eventually Bayonetta.
Onimusha 3+4 (PS2) - Takes away the old tank controls, and turns the game into a far more DMC-esque survival game. Onimusha 3 has Jean Reno playing a character modeled after Jean Reno.
Devil May Cry (PS2) - Pretty much the beta for every action game for the last 10 years.
God of War (PS2) - Good action game with mediocre puzzles. Lots of quick time events, but well done combat and great narrative. Sequels optional.
God Hand (PS2) - Think Bayonetta with less mobility, no budget, no seriousness, and punishingly hard. One of the most underrated video games ever made.
Devil May Cry 2 (PS2) - Not a very good game, but still worth playing on an emulator to kill some time. Makes you appreciate the fuck out of DMC3.
Devil May Cry 3 (PS2) - The best. There is a PC port, but it's pretty bad.
Vanquish (PS3/360) - Platinum Games made an FPS. Rocket sliding and slowmo dodge shooting and all sorts of other crazy shit.
Mad World (Wii) - Bloody, stylish, amazing soundtrack. Made by Platinum also as a spiritual successor to God Hand. Combat could be better, but is still great for what it is.
No More Heroes (1+2) - Some awesome boss fights bogged down by some boring "sandbox" segments in between.
Viewtiful Joe (PS2) - Side-scrolling 2d glory.

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