Muffins You Can't Have

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Darkest Before Muffins

Ladies and gents, I present to you The Devil Wears Prada's younger brother: Darkest Before Dawn. Not quite as polished, but just as energetically heavy, this Florida sextet has finally released their debut full-length, and they certainly delivered.

Darkest Before Dawn, as I implied, plays a very similar brand of metalcore mixed with electronica to that put forth by the giant that is The Devil Wears Prada. That's what you're going to get. If you don't like that style because you don't like metal, then that's fine. It's not for everyone. It's ok. I don't hate you. If you don't like that style because it's "scene metal" (which is the single dumbest musical label on the planet), then you need to step off your high horse and realize that the music is still incredibly good.

Another common point that this Florida based six piece has with TDWP is the major Christian influence. DBD considers themselves to be as much of a ministry as a band, and I feel like this passion adds to the energy and brutality of this album.

So, on to the album itself. Vagary starts off with a slow, ambient, haunting intro track. Heavy on the reverb and synth, "Sometimes I Like To Get Classic" slowly builds to a climax that leads seamlessly into the second track "Dan Deere From DeLand" (yes, the song titles don't make sense - yet another similarity to TDWP). This song shows you exactly what you should expect if you've payed any attention to my review. You get the heavy, riffing guitars, the pummeling drums, the touch of synth, and the mix of high screams, low growls, and perfectly tuned clean vocals. The album continues in this vein with more ridiculously titled songs sporting impressive musicianship and songwriting. Track number five, "B Is Not For Brandon", might be my favorite track, but I couldn't honestly tell you why. It's a fun song that will definitely get you up off your feet.

DBD slow things down with the softer, flowing "One Plus One Equals Three". Going back to the same style used in the intro track, they show that they're not just an unstoppable breakdown machine. They have a sensitive side. After that short reprieve, they come back out swinging and don't let up. With the help of Joshy Singer, vocalist for Author & Creator, they manage to bring a new level of brutal to the table on "Waldo". With the absurdly titled "Tatch A Ciger Ty The Boe" and "Sideward And Foreways", these Florida boys close out a very solid debut album.

Darkest Before Dawn, as I mentioned above, consider this band as much a ministry as a music making endeavor. All of the songs focus on their Christian faith, and it's this honesty and pure love that truly adds to this album.

In addition to all of this, the production on Vagary is spectacular - absolutely top notch work. So, if you like The Devil Wears Prada, you'll love this album. A band with mountains of potential and a message that they want to scream from any stage that will have them, Darkest Before Dawn are on the way up. Don't miss out on this one.

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