Muffins You Can't Have

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Borderlands is an interesting combination game, almost like the Elder Scrolls series, but with guns. It has a Fallout feel to it, but it isn't quite the same. A first person shooter RPG makes for an interesting mix, but it gets pulled off quite well here. A few things got my attention, mainly the names of a few achievements that made me smile, but the game overall is pretty good.

The gameplay itself is entertaining to say the least, though it lacks an option to customize weapons, which bugged me a lot. The special abilities for the different classes you're given to choose from do make up for it, as each one kicks respective ass. The Hunter has a hawk that attacks your enemies on command, the Soldier has a turret that blows shit up, the Siren can run really fast by phasewalking and it hurts others, and the Berserker does just that, goes berserk. Each has numerous other skills that upgrade the ability, or you in general, and lets you kick more ass each time.

Moving on to the story, or what little it has in that manner. There's one overarching objective throughout the entire game, and that's to get to the Vault and open it. Easy enough. Except that there's countless completely arbitrary tasks to do along the way. Though the tasks are pointless, they are fun and do give you a metric asston of experience and money, so they're worth it. Each one associated with the plot is interesting in its own way and has an increasing level of difficulty that makes it near impossible to just do the plot missions and get through it with any sense of ease. Just like a game should be.

The RPG elements are lacking aside from the aforementioned abilities and skills. You can change your characters clothes colors and name, but that's it. Each class has a specified look and gender, and there's no getting around it. The FPS elements though are thoroughly drowned in the sprawling maps and environments that you are forced to navigate through for almost every mission. They don't all look the same though, which is a nice change of pace.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game, and the different style it had to offer from most of the other games that I play. It has good replay value, despite spoilers, and you can't play it the same way with each class. Changing class requires a change in tactics, which is another refreshing aspect of this game. Bravo 2K.


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