Muffins You Can't Have

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Even In The Darkest Muffin

So, I know this album was released several years ago, and the band has either broken up or taken an indefinite hiatus (neither of which are terribly good), but I couldn't pass this one by. It's one of my all time favorite albums, and I would've loved to see more from this band.

Every New Day is a three-piece melodic hardcore/metalcore band from Canada. I know, what you're all thinking. Metal from Canadialand? Really? They can't do anything brutal up there. But prepare to be amazed! These Canadians really tear it up. Consisting of Murray Campbell (lead vocals and lead guitar), Scott Campbell (bass and vocals), and Matt Colonval (drums), you have to give this trio some major props. Even In The Darkest Places was released in 2006 on Hand of Hope/Eulogy Records and was the band's sophomore effort.

They waste no time in pulling you in with the album opener "Best Defenses". It definitely sets the pace, and a standard, for the rest of the album. Murray's soaring vocals and sweeping guitar riffs provide a perfect definition of the sound that Every New Day embodies. "Transparency", "Rise Up", and "Colder" follow suit with anthemic feeling choruses and wonderful guitar work. After "Rise Up", you'll want to just stand up and shout along as Murray sings "We will rise up! We will stand together!"). "Silent Streets" switches things up with a beautiful piano intro, with the guitar fading in. This song displays a bit of a softer side to the band with lyrics like "Knowing every day I wake up brings me back to you...". Then, a few songs later, they showcase their hardcore roots with "Mark This Day". This album hooks you from start to finish with the talented guitars, the powerful yet catchy lyrics, and the high energy of the music as a whole.

I mentioned earlier that Murray does the lead vocals and lead guitar. After listening to the album the whole way through, you can't help be impressed. He plays some incredibly complex riffs while he's switching between screaming and singing, and that deserves some recognition right there.

Overall, this album is one of my personal favorites, because I love the style of music, and Murray is an incredible song writer who can craft lyrics that fit the music perfectly. This band died out well before its time, and it is truly a shame. I would have loved to see what they could have done with even one more release.


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