Muffins You Can't Have

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Muffins Were Given Today.

Nope, no fucks in space. Q checked.
Batman ran out about when Anne
Hatheway was cast as Catwoman
Some of you, maybe the more observant of our readers, if you're out there, may have noticed that it has been... quite a while since myself, or anyone involved herein, have bothered to do, well, anything, with this monstrosity that we've created. And you may be wondering what we have to say for ourselves, us negligent, lazy bastards.  Well, we here at No Muffins For You might have said something in apology for our lack of doing anything if, and only if, we had any fucks to give.  Now, mind you, I checked, I looked high and low for a single fuck, or even leftover fucks that we had given about something else, I even asked batman to help me look, but alas, even in the "back room", we have no fucks left to give.  I asked Yoda if his wisdom could provide me with fucks to give about not writing anything, but the light side of the force seems to lack fucks and this was Vader's day off, even the... whatever the hell he is, "Q" could do naught but conjure up an empty fuckless void.   But even if we were to have some fucks left, even if we had treasure hordes of fucks that would put the ancient Pharaohs to shame; you would still receive no fucks from us, not one, rather, in days to come, when historians find our horde of ungiven fucks they will be overcome with purpose and left with no choice but to build a monument to all the fucks that we did not give that we might be an example to others in epochs to come. So, if our lack of updates bothers you, then go watch C-span, or something equally mundane and predictable.  Us, we shall stay dynamic!  Unpredictable, uncontrollable, and defiant of this 'update-schedule' you keep meaning to impose upon us.
Math and ponies agree, no fucks for you.
The dark side has cookies and fucks apparently.